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20. Nov 2006

Engelsk i verden: Rammende forudsigelse

English is destined to be in the next and succeding centuries more generally the language of the world than Latin was in the last or French is in the present age. The reason of this is obvious, because the increasing population in America, and their universal connection and correspondence with all nations will, aided by the influence of England in the world, whether force their language into general use, in spite of all the obstacles that may be thrown in their way, if any such there should be.

John Adams, 2nd President of the United States (1735-1826), i 1780.
Og det må man jo nok i et vist omfang medgive kom til at holde stik - idet vægten på "their universal connection and correspondence with all nations" er lige ved at være uhyggeligt rammende i betragtning af, hvor lidt, man endnu havde kommunikeret med nogen som helst; at ikke alene fandtes der hverken tegneserier eller film dengang, der var endikke nogen amerikansk litteratur f&oring;r begyndelsen af 1800-tallet.
