– fordi tiden kræver et MODSPIL

18. Jun 2007

Ophavsretsligt: Good Copy Bad Copy

Good Copy Bad Copy

Good Copy Bad Copy er en dansk dokumentarfilm om dette for tiden ret hotte emne, som er tilgængelig som fri download og har været sendt i DR2.

Det sker faktisk ret sjældent at det provinsielle, lille Danmark laver noget, som er på forkant med den form for udvikling - så her er der grund til at spærre øjnene op! (Og se filmen).

Tillad mig derfor at koble mig på omtalen hos Boing Boing:
The film skips around the world, showing the changing attitudes toward art and culture in Nigeria, Sweden, Brazil, the UK, and the US, answering statements about incentives and creativity by the MPAA and IFPI by showing us real artists (like Danger Mouse and Girl Talk) making wonderful art that, according to the gangsters in the entertainment industry, no one will make without copyright.

The movie has a very light touch, and a lot of humor. This has been a banner year for copyright documentaries, but this is the best looking of the lot, with superb production values. This is a masterclass on the copyright wars crammed into 58 minutes of video -- a must-see.
Link til selve filmen, der både kan ses online og downloades i høj opløsning.
