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01. Apr 2008

Kildeteksten til Windows Vista lækket

En gruppe hackere har haft held til at afsløre og lække kildeteksten til Microsofts flagskib Windows Vista, skriver PC-World:
Microsoft reacted swiftly this morning to close down a site distributing the complete source code of its flagship Vista operating system -- but not before dozens of other sites had mirrored the code.

Loo Flirpa, spokesperson for a little-known Macedonian hacking group based in the provincial capital Morelies, said the code was discovered by a junior member of the group on a routine "training hack" of a Seattle-based server.

"These Windows Servers, they are playthings for the children," Flirpa commented shortly before his arrest and extraordinary rendition to Redmond. "Then we see what he bring us. Whoa! Better get this on the torrents!"

The compressed 4.2GB file called Ballmers_Balls.zip -- apparently in reference to Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer -- is, according to one source, "all over the net like a rash."
En del af den lækkede kode kan takket være den hidtil ukendte makedonske hackergruppes indsats ses herunder:

Vista Source Code
