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20. Sep 2007

New York Times, 1851-2007

New York Times

Nej, overskriften skal ikke forstås om en nekrolog, men som lidt af en milepæl:

Efter i lang tid at have krævet betaling for adgang til sine arkiver, har New York Times nu åbnet for søgning i sine arkiver fra 1851 til i dag. De tidligste artikler kan ikke overraskende kun fås i PDF-format, men det er ikke desto mindre et meget betydeligt bidrag til muligheden for at "gå på opdagelse" i fortiden.

Man kan ikke alene læse nyheden om mordet på Abraham Lincoln - man kan sågar finde dækningen af hans indsættelse i 1861, hvor man bl.a. kan læse:
Now that ABRAHAM LINCOLN is to be President of the United States during the next term, all parties are equally interested in understanding his precise position on the great question by which the country has been, and still is, so profoundly agitated. During the canvass it suited the purposes of his opponents to represent him as an abolitionist - as a man utterly reckless of the rights and interests of the Southern States, and disposed to make war upon Slavery, wherever it exists and regardless of its effect upon the prosperity of the country and the stability of the Union. It was to little purpose that his friends denied the truth of these representations ...
kottke.org har lavet en samling af yderligere "perler" fra NYTs arkiv. Måske det snart var tiden for f.eks. Jyllands-Posten at gøre noget lignende?

Link (via Boing Boing).
