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21. Nov 2007

Overvågning: 13.000 tyskere vil lægge sag an mod 'Stasi 2.0'

 En tysk borgerretsorganisation vil lægge sag an mod den tyske stat for at undgå den tyske udgave af logningsdirektivet, også kendt som overvågningsloven, som de kalder for Stasi 2.0. Det skriver Computerworld, der også noterer, at initiativet foreløbig har støtte fra 13.000 tyskere.

Videre læser vi hos Heise online:
Civil-rights activists, data protectionists and media associations have firmly condemned the passing of the amendment to wire tapping legislation by the Federal Parliament [Bundestag] bringing about the obligation for the retention of phone and internet data. "SPD [Social Democratic Party], CDU [Christian Democratic Union] and CSU [Christian Social Union] rushed the bill through against all warnings and resistance and did not even await the decision of the European Court of Justice which is expected within the next few months, the Arbeitskreis Vorratsdatenspeicherung [working group on data retention] criticised.
I en anden artikel uddybes en smule:
Patrick Breyer of the working group also had sharp criticism for the attitude of some parliamentary representatives who only reluctantly voted for the data retention with view to the anticipated constitutional complaint: "According to our constitution, parliament's powers are limited by the civil rights. It is unheard of that some representatives seem to think that they are no longer responsible for the up-holding of our civil rights."

former Federal Minister of Justice Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger has renewed her criticism against the state mandated "retention-craze". There would be "a real chance that this could lead to a surveillance society". At issue would be that "every citizens' data are being retained warrantless and without actual suspicion".
Og dette giver i hvert fald modstanden mod overvågningsloven en fælleseuropæisk dimension: Hvis modstand mod loven og civil ulydighed i form af omgåelse breder sig som ringe i vandet i alle europæiske lande, kan direktivet ende med reelt at blive sat ud af spillet, eller politikerne må kaste den "demokratiske" antiterror-maske og melde klart ud, at det er et overvågningssamfund, man vil. Tyskernes kamp er hermed også vores kamp.

Arbejdsgruppen mod den tyske overvågningslov har oprettet en hjemmeside, hvorfra man kan følge slagets gang.

Af hensyn til ikke-tysk-læsende findes hjemmesiden også i en engelsk udgave: Stoppt die Vorratsdatenspeicherung!
