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03. Feb 2008

The Pirate Bay - fildelingsjubilæum


Fildelingshjemmesiden og bittorrent-paradiset The Pirate Bay har jubilæum på indtil flere måder, og samtidig kan der også snart ventes en afgørelse i på det svenske retsvæsens forsøg på at få lukket siden på vegne af diverse film- og musikselskaber.

I den anledning har de lagt ovenstående nye og drilske "sørøverlogo" ind, hvilket de også fortæller om på deres blog:
We're tracking over 1 million torrents. We have had over 10 million simultaneous peers on the trackers. We're at 2.5 million registered users (and they are active as well). And this is blog post 100!

Tomorrow we will (hopefully) finish the long story about the site until now, as a celebration. If you can find the URL for it, go ahead and read it, but please don't tell anyone the URL in the comments if you do find it. The text is not ready yet, we're missing some entries and the pictures are not always at the correct place. But it would be cool if you wrote a comment that you _did_ find the page ;)

In case we lose the pending trial (yeah right) there will still not be any changes to the site. The Pirate Bay will keep operating just as always. We've been here for years and we will be here many more.

It also came to our attention that it's now possible to buy the documents, from the police!, in the current investigation about The Pirate Bay. But only on paper. And it's not 4000 pages, it 4620 pages. And they cost 6050 SEK for all of them (about 1000 USD). Our view of it? Why not just make a PDF, make a torrent of the PDF and seed it. We know a perfect place you can do that for free, and nobody would have to pay for all those pages of investigation. And a hell of a lot of trees would be saved... And even though the information in the investigation might be a bit personal at times (alcohol intake, sex addictions) we're not suing the police for commercially exploiting the material they took from us without permission.

Sharing is caring - to care for us please share even more then before! (and btw - Thanks to Pepsi for the AMAZING logo on the frontpage!)
Legitim fildeling (som de selv hævder, og som de erklærer at ville fortsætte med, uanset retsvæsnets afgørelse) eller tyveri og piratvirksomhed?

Læs Piratgruppens omfatte materiale om sagen mod Pirate Bay, besøg Wikipedias artikel (evt. på dansk), besøg siden, se, hvad du kan finde og hvad du ikke kan finde, vej for og imod og døm selv.
