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09. Nov 2006

Ægyptisk blogger fængslet - nu igen


Den ægyptiske blogger Abdel Kareem Nabil Soliman sidder fængslet, i modsætning til den tidligere omtalte Alaa (der blev anholdt i forbindelse med en fredelig demonstration) alene for ting, han har sagt på sin blog.

Den arabiske menneskeretsorganisation HRInfo har følgende at sige om sagen:
Security forces illegally arrested Kareem in October 2005 for twelve days on account of his online writings about the sectarian strife that took place in Alexandria last year. After releasing him Al-Azhar University wherein he is a registered student dismissed him because of his secular thoughts. Afterwards, the university filed a communiqué to the Public Prosecutor Office against Kareem. While prosecutorial interrogations, Kareem insisted on his right to freedom of expression in respect with his secular ideas. Consequently, the prosecutor decided to keep him in custody for renewable four days pending investigation.

The interrogation process witnessed some violations by the Public Prosecutor Bureau, according to human rights lawyer of HRinfo who represented Kareem before the prosecutor. The monitored violations of the Public Prosecutor include the illegal attendance of three interrogators, laughing at Kareem while interrogating him, and addressing illegal questions to him (e.g. do you fast in Ramadan? Do you practice prayer?). It is evident that the interrogations with Kareem lacked integrity.

"It is regrettable and shameful for a university to punish one of its students for practicing his basic right to freedom of expression. The university did not only dismiss him, but also did not hesitate to take up the role of an informer by filing a communiqué against him to the Public Prosecutor Office. Kareem is targeted because he expressed his own views," HRinfo Executive Director; Gamal Eid Said. "Al-Azhar University is therefore presenting a bad model for any university. Freedom of Speech is to be defended by all even when ideas disagree".
Men når han nu er fængslet, må han vel være anklaget for noget, ikke?

Det er nemlig rigtigt - og communiqué'et fra HRInfo angiver, at han er under anklage for disse forfærdende forbrydelser:
  • Spreading data and malicious rumors that disrupt public security
  • Defaming the President of Egypt
  • Incitement to overthrow the regime upon hatred and contempt
  • Incitement to hate "Islam" and breach of the public peace standards
  • Highlighting inappropriate aspects that harm the reputation of Egypt and spreading them to the public
Forbrydelser, som det siger sig selv ikke burde være strafbare i noget land - heller ikke så nær en ven og allieret som Ægypten åbenbart er, den danske regerings passivitet overfor landets ikke helt demokratiske praksis taget i betragtning ...

Et telegram fra Reuters om sagen opsummerer:
Egyptian security forces have arrested a student blogger whose writing was critical of Islam and the government, security sources and rights activists said on Tuesday.

Arabic blogger Abdel Kareem Nabil Suleiman, a 22-year-old aspiring human rights lawyer, was arrested in the coastal city of Alexandria on Monday.

His detention was the latest crackdown on political opposition by Egyptian authorities following arrests and beatings at street protests earlier this year, despite calls from Egypt's U.S. ally for political reform.

"The accusations directed against him are that he published opinions aimed at disturbing public order, insulted the head of state and defamed Islam," said Sally Sami, programme officer at the Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (HRInfo), which is representing him.

"It is becoming more and more obvious that the government is not keen to reform or allow true democracy where differing opinions can be voiced."
Link til Kareems egen blog (arabisk).
Link til Free Kareem!-kampagneblog.
Link til underskriftsindsamling mod fængslingen.

Seneste nyt i sagen er, at Kareem på baggrund af de nævnte anklager har fået fængslingen forlænget med to uger: "[The prosecutor] openly asked him if he has mental problems, and then told him that he will jail him for another 2 weeks under investigation until he 'comes back to his senses'".
