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26. Feb 2006

Fra alle os til alle jer: apology.dk

Vi har tidligere omtalt forskellige initiativer til at lade almindelige danskere tale direkte til Mellem-Østens folk - bl.a. Nu er det nok! og Another Denmark.

Apology.dk er et nyt initiativ, hvor man via et billede har chancen for at overbringe sin hilsen personligt, ansigt til ansigt:
On this page, ordinary people from Denmark will have the opportunity to apologize for the unnecessary offense that the danish paper Jyllands-Posten has caused to the Muslim world by publishing rude drawings of the prophet Mohammed.

The people who have apologized on this page respect the peaceful Muslim community,we need to focus on the peaceful co-existence of all cultural, religious and ethnic groups, care about keeping the channels of communication and peace open and give a big apology to the world!
