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06. Nov 2006

Ny israelsk minister: Tag statsborgerskabet fra ikke-jøder

Jfr. dagens Guardian:
The newest member of the cabinet, Avigdor Lieberman, sparked criticism when he said Arabs in Israel should lose their citizenship so that Israel could become as "homogeneous" a Jewish state as possible. Mr Lieberman, a far-right politician born in Moldova, was brought in to shore up Mr Olmert's weak coalition but has provoked concern with his outspoken views.

"The source of the conflict here is not territory, it is not occupation, it is not settlers," he told Israel's Army Radio yesterday. "It is a clash between two people and two religions. Anywhere in the world where there are two peoples and two religions, whether it's the former Yugoslavia or the Caucasus region in Russia or in Northern Ireland, there is conflict."

He argues that Arab villages in Israel should be transferred to the West Bank and residents stripped of Israeli citizenship.
Mon ikke det et eller andet sted er sikkert at antage, at hvad Olmerts hjerte er fuldt af - ovenstående er at finde i en reportage om endnu en offensiv mod Gaza, der stadig er i en værre og mere fortvivlende forfatning end nogensinde før - løber Liebermans mund over med?
