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11. Aug 2005

Politistat under oprettelse

Den irakiske blogger Khalid Jarrar blev fornylig arresteret af det nye Mukhabarat, Saddams og nu USAs hemmelige politi.

Hans forbrydelse? Mens han ventede på at blive betjent på universitetets kontor, formastede han sig til at gå ind på "terroristiske hjemmesider", nærmere bestemt kommentarsektionen på hans bror Raeds weblog.

Her blev han udspurgt om sin (manglende, som det viste sig) forbindelse til bomberne i London d. 7. juli, blev slået, råbt af, fornærmet og gemt væk. Hans familie fik intet at vide om, hvor han var - hvilket åbenbart er standard procedure for Iraks nye Gestapo.

Efter 8 dage blev han endelig stillet for en dommer, som han skriver:
He didn’t look at me in the beginning. He asked me while surfing the papers of my case: “What’s your case?” I said: “I went to the university to pay the fees of…” He interrupted me impatiently: “the website, tell me about the website”

I said: “It’s a forum, it’s a place where people discuss a topic written by the owner of a website. I visited it and I didn’t even post an opinion, I closed it and left the internet place, and then I was brought here.”

It seemed he was following me. He said: “Is it like chatting?” I said: “Yes, your honor. This is more like a website than a chat room. You don’t have to sign in and be a part of what’s happening in the case of forums. I was just watching things there. For me, it was more like watch a TV with different channels; you go to a channel not knowing what will be there and without knowing the content. If you didn’t like the channel, you can change it”

He interrupted me: “ok ok I know I know.”

He had 37 translated papers of Raed’s Comments Section, that’s it, that’s my case. He asked me “What are these strange letters between the words here?” I said “Maybe the person who printed out the papers selected the wrong font, these strange characters appear when you pick the wrong encoding for the language”. He didn’t seem to be a computer expert, but at least he knows the basics.

He said “go, I will take the papers to read them at home, and will decide about them tomorrow”.

The chubby entered the room and sat on a chair in front of the judge. He was my “lawyer”, but he didn’t say a single word, not one single word. He only signed a paper that says that he is my lawyer.

I was taken back to the prison. That was my Wednesday.

On Thursday, the judge decided that I was innocent. He figured out that the papers were from a public forum, and he didn’t find any comments posted by me. I wasn’t released till Saturday morning, after I was forced to sign a paper committing that I wouldn’t tell the families of the arrested people that they are arrested, and that I wouldn’t tell anyone about anything that happened while I was arrested or tell them what I saw inside the jail, and that I would report any case of breaking the law that I know about to the authorities (at this point I laughed and asked: even if someone drove his car through a red traffic light?), and that I wouldn’t visit terrorism websites.
Jarrar undlader dog ikke at gøre opmærksom på, at han midt i al elendigheden var ret heldig:
I was so lucky that I was taken to the Mokhabarat directly. Usually you have to go through a police station or a center of the national guards to get there, where the standard procedure of torturing is hanging people upside down and beating them with cables for hours, pinching their bodies with electrical drills, burning them with hot water, ripping out their finger nails, breaking bones, using acids on the wounds after whipping them, the dead bodies that are found in the dumpsters in Baghdad even had their eyes taken out of them, and a lot of these things happened with people that I know, or with people that were detained with the people that were with me in this jail, before they were brought here, and the list of torturing techniques is long, and you don’t want to hear them or know about them if you want to sleep at night.

In one of the floors in the same building, there is another prison, a bigger one called “The Palace of Hospitality” (doesn’t this remind you of 1984? The ministry of love and stuff?) Where recently a father and his son were arrested, and the son died at night because his rips were broken after they beat him, and then they spelled hot water on his body, he kept moaning of pain for the whole night, said Abo Ayid, who slept right beside him, and then he died. I’ll tell you more about Abu Ayid in the end.
Og det kan du læse mere om på Secrets in Baghdad, Jarrars egen blog. Hans indlæg er meget langt, men nok værd at læse - hvis alt hvad der skal til er, at en studerende fordriver tiden med at læse "politisk ukorrekte" hjemmesider for at han straks sidder i saksen, står det ikke godt til!

Ærlig talt: Hvis dette er det "demokrati", som Bush, Bliar og Fjogh har med i tasken, når de drager ud i verden for at frelse den, håber jeg de holder sig meget langt væk herfra!
