Borgerrettigheder på internettet

Jeg har modtaget nedenstående pressemeddelelse.

Kort fortalt: En gruppe EU-parlamentarikere vil indføre “digitale borgerrettigheder” på EU-plan; et sådant initiativ vil gøre meget for at forhindre vilkårlig overvågning, afkobling (som i den franske lov om “three strikes and you’re out”, tre ubeviste beskyldninger for download og brud på ophavsretten, og familien mister retten til at have Internet) og censur af den type, der er indført med det danske “børnepornofilter”.

Et vigtigt princip er således, at alle indskrænkninger skal idømmes ved en domstol og efter gældende lov og altså ikke blot kan indføres administrativt, som det er sket hidtil.

Some very important amendments might be retabled by MEPs who care about the Internet and european citizens.

It is paramount to support those very good amendments and let our MEPs know that we want them, we want an open Internet.

We want freedom of choice. We want the right to decide which web sites we wish to visit, which applications we like to run, which protocols we decide to use and which contents we like to access.

Eva-Britt Svensson, Member of GUE/NGL

The European Parliament will vote on the so called Telecoms Package during its May session. MEP Eva-Britt Svensson will together with her colleagues in the party group GUE/NGL table a number of Citizens’ Rights Amendments”, which aim at protecting citizens’ rights on the Internet.

The amendments restore the fundamental principles the European Parliament adopted with a wide a majority in the First Reading in September 2008. (Svensson tabled “Amendment 166”). They are divided in three parts and will be tabled for the second reading the 5th of May. The last day to table amendments is the 29th of April but she has choosen to publish them now to clarify that there is a lot more that has to be dealt with than what the famous amendments 166 and 138 achieve. She wants to make sure that the Internet is not transformed into a Cable-TV-Internet – which would mean that Internet offerings will evolve towards sets of pre-choosen content and services which will then be sold to us citizens, instead of us being able to choose for ourselves.

We who love the Internet say that “Users rights” are defined by what we use our subscription for, says Eva-Britt Svensson (Swedish Left party), MEP. We do not want to be reduced into consumers so that our rights just constitute what is explicitly permitted in the subscription agreement. Unfortunately, both the Council’s Common Position and the amendments that have been proposed in the trialogues, open up for this development.

We want to be citizens on the Internet, not just customers or consumers.

The amendments by Ms. Svensson can be found here:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

For more information, contact:
Eva-Britt Svensson (Swedish Left Party), Member of the European
Parliament, Swedish cell +46 706 331 346, blog
Roger Falk Press secretary, +32473 80 45 79
Webpage: (Photos can be found here)

Og hvad vi end mener om EU, er der brug for sådanne garantier. Her i Danmark er myndigheder og Internetudbydere allererede gået for vidt i deres bestræbelser på at overvåge og bortcensurere adgangen til Internettet, og et sæt elementære borgerrettigheder, der ville forbyde den slags uden efter udtrykkelig retskendelse, ville gøre meget for at sikre mod denne form for magtmisbrug i fremtiden.

Jeg følger op på denne historie, så snart jeg hører nyt om, hvad man kan gøre for at støtte disse digitale borgerrettigheder.

Link: Citizen’s Rights Amendment