New York Times advarer mod Dansk Folkeparti

Eller rettere sagt, det gør de ikke – men de advarer i en leder den svenske statsminister i at lave nogen form for aftaler med de rabiate fremmedkritikere i Sverigedemokraterna. Kort fortalt advarer avisen Sverige mod at blive som Danmark:

Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt plans to stay on as head of a minority center-right government. For now, all of the mainstream parties say they will make no deals with the Sweden Democrats. They should stand firm.

Most Swedes abhor racism. But they have legitimate complaints about inadequate government policies for integrating poorly prepared new arrivals. At a time of high unemployment and growing pressure on the traditionally generous welfare state, highly visible immigrant communities — like the 500,000 Muslims who now make up roughly 5 percent of the overall population — make especially tempting scapegoats.

Keeping immigrants out is no answer. Nor is forced assimilation to an imaginary pure national culture. Immigrant dynamism is essential to keeping all of Europe competitive. Sweden’s mainstream politicians are still battling over old questions of welfare versus markets, while largely ignoring newer ones like globalization, immigration and social integration. They can’t afford to ignore them any longer.

Indtil videre lader de almindelige svenske politikere til at stå fast og opretholde et cordon sanitaire mod Sverigedemokraterna af samme type, som i Belgien holder fascisterne i Vlaams Belang uden for indflydelse. Gid vi her i Danmark havde politikere med den samme form for rygrad overfor intolerancen i Dansk Folkepartis højreekstreme form.

Link: Even Sweden.