Cthulhu Tales

Det amerikanske tegneserieforlag BOOM! studios har besluttet at lægge en pæn del af deres produkter online løbende, skriver de på deres blog:
Readers will be able to read the critically acclaimed fan-favorites NINJA TALES, ZOMBIE TALES Volume 1, HERO SQUARED, 2 GUNS, SHMOBOTS, and CTHULHU TALES Volume 1! BOOM! will be continuing to do this all year round with many different series.The first salvo of pages features a wide variety of incredibly talented creators, from a ZOMBIE TALE by KINGDOM COME writer Mark Waid with Marvel Comics artist Carlos Magno, to legendary FORMERLY KNOWN AS THE JUSTICE LEAGUE creators Keith Giffen and J.M. DeMatteis, as well as writer Steven Grant, known for his original run on THE PUNISHER. SHMOBOTS writer Adam Rifkin is no slouch either, having directed cult-faves such as DETROIT ROCK CITY and THE DARK BACKWARD. Rifkin is also well known for scripting the feature films MOUSEHUNT and UNDERDOG. These are just a few of the stellar talents on tap for BOOM!’s new initiative.Når året er omme, vil der faktisk være en del hæfter online, og mange af deres serier ser faktisk spændende ud - illustrationerne til dette indlæg er taget fra serien Cthulhu Tales.
At launch, each series will have a handful of pages already posted so that fans can immediately sample the tone, characters, and storyline of each series. Thereafter, BOOM! will update each series with a page a day, averaging five pages of content per series, per week.
Meningen er selvfølgelig, at muligheden for at læse serierne online skal inspirere folk til at købe hæfterne. Denne forretningsmodel kommenteres i Newsaramas artikel om BOOM! Comics, der bl.a. henviser til forfatteren Neil Gaimans erfaringer med at lægge hans roman "American Gods" gratis ud på nettet - erfaringen var kort fortalt, at
The Browse Inside Full Access promotion of American Gods drove 85 thousand visitors to our site to view 3.8 Million pages of the book (an average of 46 pages per person). On average, visitors spent over 15 minutes reading the book.Og BOOM! Studios håber selvfølgelig på en lignende effekt ved at lade folk læse deres tegneserier gratis. Om det vil lykkes dem således at udvide deres niche (som det lykkedes for Neil Gaiman, og som det også lader til at lykkes for en forfatter som Cory Doctorow, der lægger alle sine romaner online til fri download samme dag, som de udkommer i butikkerne) kan kun tiden vise ... men i mellemtiden kan vi jo glæde os over deres så vidt jeg kan se ret spændende tegneserier.
The independent booksellers are the only sales channel where we have confidence that incremental sales were driven by this promotion. In the Bookscan data reported for Independents we see a marked increase in weekly sales across all of Neil’s books, not just American Gods during the time of the contest and promotion. Following the promotion, sales returned to pre-promotion levels.
Via Boing Boing.