Johan Schlüter fra IFPI og Antipiratgruppen: Børneporno er alle tiders

Til et møde i Stockholm for nylig slog advokat Johan Schlüter fra Antipiratgruppen (en gruppe, der bl.a. er kendt for at sende  erstatningskrav i hundredetusindersklassen til teenagere, der linker til sider, der måske indeholder ulovlige MP3-filer) sig løs med betragtninger om, hvor meget han holder af børneporno. Ikke som “forbruger”, men fordi det kan udnyttes til at overtale politikerne til at indføre overvågning og censur:

“Child pornography is great,” the speaker at the podium declared enthusiastically. “It is great because politicians understand child pornography. By playing that card, we can get them to act, and start blocking sites. And once they have done that, we can get them to start blocking file sharing sites”.

The venue was a seminar organized by the American Chamber of Commerce in Stockholm on May 27, 2007, under the title “Sweden — A Safe Haven for Pirates?”. The speaker was Johan Schlüter from the Danish Anti-Piracy Group, a lobby organization for the music and film industry associations, like IFPI and others…

“One day we will have a giant filter that we develop in close cooperation with IFPI and MPA. We continuously monitor the child porn on the net, to show the politicians that filtering works. Child porn is an issue they understand,” Johan Schlüter said with a grin, his whole being radiating pride and enthusiasm from the podium.

Tro det eller lad være, men den helt store overraskelse er det nok ikke.

Link: IFPI’s child porn strategy (via Boing Boing).

Update: Nu også på ComputerWorld.