Stephen King taler for fagforeninger og imod Tea Party

“If you want day’s hones pay for a day’s honest work, take a union job”.

Den kendte gyser- og bestseller-forfatter King forklarer, hvorfor han støtter arbejderne i Wisconsin og resten af USA og spørger, hvorfor i al verden folk som ham selv ikke betaler mindst 50% i skat.

Via Boing Boing.

Michael Moore: “America is not broke”

Michael Moore taler til de strejkende arbejdere i Madison, Wisconsin.

“America is not broke. Contrary to what those in power would like you to believe so that you’ll give up your pension, cut your wages and settle for the life your great-grandparents had, America is not broke. Not by a long shot. The country is awash in wealth and cash, it’s just that it’s not in your hands. It has been transferred in the greatest heist in history from the workers and the consumers to the banks and the portfolios of the über-rich!”

Via Lenin’s Tomb.