Ytringsfrihed: Dansk forsker trynet ud af medierne

De seneste dages blæst om EU-forskeren Marlene Wind har nu ført til, at professor Winds chef har meddelt, at Wind nu vil tage “en pause” fra medierne. Der er reelt tale om, at Københavns Universitet lægger sig fladt ned på maven for Dansk Folkeparti og knægter en af deres ansattes ytringsfrihed.

For bloggeren TackiestOnesAdventures and Japes kommer denne debats sørgelige resultat ikke som nogen overraskelse. Marlene Wind ved jo, hvad hun taler om, og hun har ret. Selvfølgelig skal hun trues til tavshed, eller rettere: Hendes arbejdsgiver skal.

Som vi læser:

A relentless and shameful campaign of bullying. Which has worked. She has withdrawn from commenting in the media.

THIS is how Denmark operates. Politicians may use whatever colourful language they like, they may lie openly, they may smear and denigrate.
Experts and other non-politicians may only “stick to the facts, son”. If the facts they explain are at odds with what the ruling coalition would like to hear, they are annihilated.

This is how the myths that Denmark has a low crime rate, high life satisfaction, high tolerance and the ability to integrate foreigners well continue.
These things are demonstrably untrue.
Denmark has one of the highest crime rates in Europe and for a country this size, that is incredible.
Denmark has a higher suicide rate than of death in a traffic accident; many inhabitants rely on legal and illegal drugs.
Denmark is incredibly intolerant of difference. Denmark comes out worse in international surveys on integration of foreigners.

But they get away with it because they write one press release for Denmark and one for the rest of the world. The rest of the world do not speak Danish and so they believe the hype.

Suk. I mellemtiden er Danmark rykket et lille skridt nærmere diktaturet, nu hvor det der fastslået, at ingen kan udtale sig i medierne om de ting, de har forstand på, uden at Dansk Folkepartis tæskehold rykker ud for at lukke munden på dem. Det er sørgeligt og dybt beskæmmende at se.

Ægypten: Kvinden, der startede det hele

Det begyndte blandt andet med dette YouTube-indlæg fra 18. januar, der spredte sig som en lynild på Facebook og andre steder og var med til at fjerne folks frygt.

Kvinden, der taler, er 26-årige Asmaa Mahfouz:

“Sitting home and just following us on news or on Facebook leads to our humiliation — it leads to my humiliation!

If you have honor and dignity as a man, come and protect me, and other girls in the protest. if you stay home, you deserve what’s being done to you, and you will be guilty before your nation and your people. Go down to the street, send SMSes, post it on the internet, make people aware.”

Via Boing Boing.