Er ophavsretten en fejl? Imod intellektuel monopolisme

Fra, om en ny bog, der ærligt talt lyder spændende:

At a taped video interview in my office, before the crew would start the camera, a man had to remove my Picasso prints from the wall. The prints are probably under copyright, they said.

But the guy who drew them died 30 years ago. Besides, they are mine.

Doesn’t matter. They have to go.

What about the poor fellow who painted the wall behind the prints? Why doesn’t he have a copyright? If I scrape off the paint, there is the drywall and its creator. Behind the drywall are the boards, which are surely proprietary too. To avoid the “intellectual-property” thicket, maybe we have to sit in an open field; but there is the problem of the guy who last mowed the grass. Then there is the inventor of the grass to consider.

Is there something wrong with this picture?

The worldly-wise say no. This is just the way things are. It is for us not to question but to obey. So it is with all despotisms in human history. They become so woven into the fabric of daily life that absurdities are no longer questioned. Only a handful of daring people are capable of thinking along completely different lines. But when they do, the earth beneath our feet moves.

Such is the case with Against Intellectual Monopoly (Cambridge University Press, 2008) by Michele Boldrin and David Levine, two daring professors of economics at Washington University in St. Louis. They have written a book that is likely to rock your world, as it has mine. (It is also posted on their site with the permission of the publisher.)

With piracy and struggles over intellectual property in the news daily, it is time to wonder about this issue, its relationship to freedom, property rights, and efficiency. You have to think seriously about where you stand.

This is not one of those no-brainer issues for libertarians, like minimum wage or price controls. The problem is complicated, and solving it requires careful thought. But it is essential that every person do the thinking, and there is no better tool for breaking the intellectual gridlock than this book.

Link: A book that changes everything

Brüno – den ‘sofistikerede’ elites hoveren

Nej, jeg har ikke set Sacha Baron Cohens nyeste epos, og jeg har heller ingen planer om at gøre det, hvis jeg på nogen som helst måde kan blive fri. Jeg hadede Borat, og selv om jeg principielt mener, at man kan lave mange gode ting med skjult kamera, kunne jeg ikke lade være med at sympatisere med de mange almindelige, små hverdagsmennesker, der blev lokket til at blamere sig for åbent kamera.

Hvis man absolut vil lave den slags, så gå dog efter magthaverne – som Michael Moore f.eks. gjorde i Bowling for Colombine – ikke efter privatpersoner, for seven da. Men Baron Cohen tør faktisk ikke, så vidt jeg kan se, for alvor rette sit skyts mod de store – i stedet kan man jo så altid komme med millioner i ryggen og udstille almindelige mennesker, der dårligt nok har til terminen eller pensionen. God, gedigen humor, der sparker nedaf, med andre ord.

Nå, men hvis jeg ikke selv vil se den, er det jo godt, man har folk til det. Barbara Ellen når i The Observer frem til nogenlunde samme konklusioner om Brüno, som jeg selv drog om Borat:

Make no mistake. Brüno is bad art, and depressing, even boring, with it. What promised to be a lampooning of the fashion industry, a dark-hued Zoolander, at least a scathing exposé of the rich and famous, turned out to be a relentless, sour trashing of the white and black US underclass for their supposed homophobic tendencies.

I say “supposed”, because with many of Brüno’s stunts (giant dildos, talking penises, shit handprints on hotel walls, baiting Republican politicians and churchmen, placing an adopted black baby in what appeared to be a mocked-up gay orgy), there is a nagging feeling that one doesn’t have to be a drooling redneck to wonder what the point is.

For example, the climactic scene, featuring Brüno and his male assistant, half-naked, simulating sex in front of heckling “white trash” at a cage-fighting event, would arguably have created as much consternation at the Ideal Home Exhibition, the Last Night of the Proms, even the fourth plinth in Trafalgar Square.

Like much in the film, it says naff all about homophobia, preferring to lift up the rock of the US underclass to titter along with a liberal elite audience. The intimation is that if one is not amused, one has a “problem”: one is narrow-minded, repressed, unsophisticated. Voila! The cultural bully’s credo in full. […]

Even more damning are the final scenes of Brüno singing a Live Aid spoof with Bono, Sting, and Snoop Dogg. If Baron Cohen was doing his job properly, these celebrities would be terrified of him, at least wary, as they once were of Paul Kaye’s Dennis Pennis. The fact that they’re not, that they’re cosy, says it all.

It seems to me that by making Brüno, Baron Cohen has ceased to be a satirist and exposed himself as a careerist. He’s an A-lister who lets off the rich and famous and sets up the powerless poor for the delectation of the elitist liberal stalls. Worse, like all cultural bullies before him, he then tries to make his audience take the blame for how misguided and unfunny it all is.

Mine fremhævelser – og netop de fremhævede pointer er som sagt spot on i mine øjne.

Link: Try picking on someone your own size,  Brüno

Medierne og deres løgne

Hvad jeg kan sige om dette er måske ikke så interessant – så jeg giver jer Lewis Lapham, mangeårig redaktør af Harper’s Magazine:

On television the voices of dissent can’t be counted upon to match the studio drapes or serve as tasteful lead-ins to the advertisements for Pantene Pro-V and the U.S. Marine Corps. What we now know as the “news media” serve at the pleasure of the corporate sponsor, their purpose not to tell truth to the powerful but to transmit lies to the powerless. Like Russert, who served his apprenticeship as an aide-de-camp to the late Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, most of the prominent figures in the Washington press corps (among them George Stephanopoulos, Bob Woodward, and Karl Rove) began their careers as bagmen in the employ of a dissembling politician or a corrupt legislature. Regarding themselves as de facto members of government, enabling and codependent, their point of view is that of the country’s landlords, their practice equivalent to what is known among Wall Street stock-market touts as “securitizing the junk.” When requesting explanations from secretaries of defense or congressional committee chairmen, they do so with the understanding that any explanation will do. Explain to us, my captain, why the United States must go to war in Iraq, and we will relay the message to the American people in words of one or two syllables. Instruct us, Mr. Chairman, in the reasons why K-Street lobbyists produce the paper that Congress passes into law, and we will show that the reasons are healthy, wealthy, and wise. Do not be frightened by our pretending to be suspicious or scornful. Together with the television camera that sees but doesn’t think, we’re here to watch, to fall in with your whims and approve your injustices. Give us this day our daily bread, and we will hide your vices in the rosebushes of salacious gossip and clothe your crimes in the aura of inspirational anecdote.

Link: Elegy for a rubber stamp (via Glenn Greenwald)

AlJazeera – Mellemøstens New York Times.

As’ad Abukhalil alias Angry Arab har et interessant indlæg om AlJazeera og deres store og i hans øjne journalistisk velfortjente indflydelse i den arabiske verden:

Politics aside, AlJazeera Arabic is an excellent channel. Forget about all the political biases that afflict all news media, Aljazeera makes more effort to check in political biases than mainstream US media, like the New York Times. To compare Al-Arabiyya with AlJazeera is like comparing Muhammad Dahlan with Nelson Mandela. The comparison in itself is unfair to both sides.

The other day, I kept AlJazeera on for a while working out and I was most impressed with the depth and scope of its international coverage. I mean, they would have a report from the US and then they would interview some Arabic speaker about some aspect of US politics, and then they would move to the elections in Mauritania, and on and on. If you switch while watching AlJazeera, you are most like to see a long and tedious report on Michael Jackson on Al-Arabiyya TV (the station of King Fahd’s brother-in-law).

Yesterday, AlJazeera was on and they had a flash about shooting outside of the Capital in DC. I switched to Fox New and they did not have anything on the matter for five long minutes. Don’t get me wrong: I have my own criticism of AlJazeera and wrote about them here. But it is all relative: if I am to pick a newscast in any language that I can understand, I would not hesitate to select AlJazeera “mid-day” newscast. There is nothing like it: and the BBC which I used to like has been deteriorating and mimicking US network, albeit with more dignity.

The reason I write about all this is the war between the tyrannical regime of Abu Mazen and Aljazeera. As you all know, the Abu Mazen collaborationist regime shut down AlJazeera offices (and I am glad that the Committee to Protect Journalists condemned the closure). But you need to read the Orwellian official statement that was issued by Salam Fayyad (the same guy who was dubbed “reformer” because he strictly follows orders from the World Bank and from Elliott Abrams). The statement justified the closure in the name of “the Supreme Palestinian interest”. The language used was the same as that used by Saddam Husayn’s regime or the regime of Enver Hoxa. It was classic terminology of tyranny. And it was quite amusing to see the PA talk about biases of Aljazeera when the blatant pro-Dahlan bias of Al-Arabiyya TV is admired by the same collaborationist regime. Azmi Bisharah spoke very well on the matter on Al-Jazeera yesterday: he said that the closure should be analyzed in terms the growing tryannical powers of the Abu Mazen collaborationist regime. He also reminded viewers that the Abu Mazen regime acts very much like the tyrannical Arab regimes and that its behavior during the Israeli terrorist war on Gaza was symptomatic: even public demonstration of sympathy with the people of Gaza were banned by the collaborationist regime.

I recently spoke to a colleague who teaches at a universtiy in the West Bank: she described to me the behavior of the Dahlan gangs during the protests in solidarity with Gaza. She said that the oppression and repression in the West Bank has become quite effective. She watched as Dahlan gangsters/army moves to beat up and quickly overpower each demonstrator by himself/herself. She said that people are now afraid to speak out. As Azmi Bisharah said yesterday, the West Bank office of AlJazeera only hosts Fath propagandists because the Abu Mazen collaborationist regime only allows voices of support for the regime. It is fair to say that the Abu Mazen collaborationist regime has decided after the last parliamentary election to rule by force, and by force along. This is why they are now so upset with Faruq Qaddumi: because he is the most senior Fath person and represents dissent within the movement. Why did I title this post “The Revenge of AlJazeera”? Well, because you better not launch war on AlJazeera: they can really sway Arab public opinion more than Hasan Nasrallah and Yusuf Al-Qaradawi combined.

Jeg har tilladt mig selv at indsætte afsnit i teksten. Det gør selvfølgelig også godt at læse As’ads befriende åbenhjertige beskrivelse af Abu Mazens Quislingestyre i Ramallah. Det er lige før, man ærgrer sig over ikke at forstå arabisk, så man ikke selv kan følge AlJazeeras dækning.

Link: The Revenge of AlJazeera: on its war with the Abu Mazen’s collaborationist regime

Hvor mange skal dø, før vi endelig forlader Afghanistan?

Det spørger Seumas Milne om i dagens Guardian. I stedet for at hænge sig fat i BBCs og andres prædiken af myten on “den gode krig”, hvor vores indsats “gør en forskel”, skærer Milne ind til benet:

This was a war, after all, launched by George Bush and Tony Blair with the stated aim of killing or capturing Osama Bin Laden and the Taliban leader Mullah Omar – and destroying al-Qaida. Eight years later, not one of those objectives has been accomplished. Bin Laden and Omar are still at large, while al-Qaida has spread into Pakistan, Iraq and dozens of other countries around the world.

Nor have any of the other fast-changing war aims – from bringing democracy, development and good governance, to ending the oppression of women and cracking down on opium production – fared much better. British and other Nato troops are now defending one of the world’s most corrupt governments, a cabal of narco-trafficking warlords rubber-stamped by a fraudulent election in which political parties weren’t even allowed to stand; Afghanistan has become the heroin capital of the world; and the position of many women, as women’s leaders such as the suspended Afghan MP Malalai Joya argue, is now worse than it was under Taliban rule.

Most absurd of all is the government’s claim that the Afghan war is preventing terrorism on the streets of Britain. The exact opposite is the case. There were no al-Qaida-style terror attacks in the UK before 2001. And Britain’s role in the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq, along with its support for Israel’s occupation of Palestinian land – cited both by the bombers themselves and a string of intelligence reports – has been a central factor in motivating would-be jihadists, who have in any case been mostly home-grown and can train in Leeds as well as Lashkar Gah if they want to carry out atrocities.

Mine fremhævelser. Noget lignende kan siges om den danske indsats, som jeg også skrev i Information for næsten præcis et år siden: Danske soldaters tilstedeværelse i Afghanistan slider på de soldater vi har dernede, og den gør ikke for femogtyve øre gavn.

I mellemtiden er der så sket det, at nogle flere soldater er dræbt dernede, og at femogtyveøren er afskaffet og gjort værdiløs. Nu mangler vi bare at trække vores soldater hjem fra endnu en fejlslagen krig – jo før jo bedre.

Men vil det ikke bare “overlade afghanerne til Taleban” og et blodbad?

Som Milne påpeger, kan en vestlig tilbagetrækning som “garant” for et dybt korrumperet regime bane vejen for en reel aftale, der involverer alle implicerede og måske kunne være første skridt på vejen mod en løsning:

The pressing alternative is presented by the war’s supporters as “abandoning” Afghanistan to a “bloodbath”. That is to stand reality on its head. The only way to end the war is the withdrawal of foreign troops as part of a wider political settlement negotiated with all significant Afghan forces on the ground, including the Taliban – and guaranteed by regional powers and neighbouring states: Pakistan, Iran, China and India.

Such a process is bound to take place eventually – whether or not the British government has the guts to follow the example of Canada and The Netherlands and announce plans to pull out earlier.

Og den bedste forskel Danmark kunne gøre i dén henseende er måske at følge Canadas og Hollands eksempel og sætte en (snarlig) afrejsedato. Som sagt, det er ikke vores krig, den hjælper ikke afghanerne, og den beskytter ikke danskerne mod terror. Lad os se at få de soldater hjem.

Link: How many more will die in vain before we withdraw?

Censur-glidebanen – fra børneporno til spil

For nogle år siden fik vi internet censur i Danmark. Der blev skabt et filter så ytringsfriheden blev knægtet på det anarkistiske internet. Stat og politi fik hånds- og halsret over hvilke ytringer der måtte eksistere på internettet og hvilke der var forbudte. Naturligvis solgt med de stakkels, stakkels børn som argument – “Think of the children”. For hvem kan have noget imod at censurere pædofili? Nej vel.

Så gik der lidt tid, og det næste blev censur af thepiratebay hvor man kunne dele illegale film og musik. Stor ståhej – censur af groveste art, men den gled ned.

Nu er det så spilsites hvor man kan vinde penge der skal censureres. Ikke noget med at anholde de folk der laver kriminalitet – næh vi censurer istedet så man ikke engang kan tænke tanken at man vil spille ulovligt på nettet.

De næste 10-15 år bliver en hård kamp for ytringsfriheden i vesten – og det er ikke islamisterne vi skal være bange for – det er alle partier fra socialdemokraterne og til højre der er modstanderne. Det er populismen når den er værst.

link til censur

Iranere boykotter Nokia på grund af samarbejde om regimets overvågning

Nokias salg falder i Irak på grund af mobilproducentens medvirken i leverancer af aflytningsudstyr, som i dag bruges til at finde og fængsle dissidenter:

Wholesale vendors in the capital report that demand for Nokia handsets has fallen by as much as half in the wake of calls to boycott Nokia Siemens Networks (NSN) for selling communications monitoring systems to Iran.

There are signs that the boycott is spreading: consumers are shunning SMS messaging in protest at the perceived complicity with the regime by the state telecoms company, TCI. Iran’s state-run broadcaster has been hit by a collapse in advertising as companies fear being blacklisted in a Facebook petition. There is also anecdotal evidence that people are moving money out of state banks and into private banks.

Nokia is the most prominent western company to suffer from its dealings with the Iranian authorities. Its NSN joint venture with Siemens provided Iran with a monitoring system as it expanded a mobile network last year. NSN says the technology is standard issue to dozens of countries, but protesters believe the company could have provided the network without the monitoring function.

Link: Iranian consumers boycott Nokia for ‘collaboration’

Dansk Folkeparti bortcensurerer rapskole i Århus Syd

I det belastede boligkvarter Rosenhøj i Århus Syd kunne man i år blandt mange andre aktiviteter byde på en rap-skole for kvarterets unge.

En 11-årig dreng, der var blandt projektets deltagere, kom imidlertid til at skrive en sangtekst, der  indeholdt noget grimt om Morten Messerschmidt – en nydelig ung mand, der har gjort det en strålende karriere ud af at sige grimme ting om den 11-åriges familie, venner og landsmænd.

Resultat? Efter den rette kombination af benspænd og klager er det nu lykkedes Dansk Folkeparti, denne ytringsfrihedens forkæmper, at få bortcensureret rap-skolen fra Århus Kommunes sommertilbud:

Århus Kommune har besluttet at lukke en sommerferiaktivitet i Rosenhøj, hvor unge blev undervist i at rappe og skrive tekster til rap-sange. En kontroversiel tekst fik i går ledelsen til at aflyse undervisningen, der startede i sidste uge og skulle have fortsat i denne uge og næste uge.

“Der er skrevet en tekst, vi ikke er tilfredse med og ikke kan acceptere,” forklarer Johs Justesen, Fritids og Ungdomsskoleleder, Viby, Århus Kommune, til TV2 Østjylland.

“Jeg har en enkelt patron for Messerschmidt, for han snakker masser shit, han sku kom og sut min pik” lyder det i teksten, som henviser til Dansk Folkepartis Morten Messerschmidt. Teksten blev sunget af en 11-årig dreng, der som de øvrige deltagere i sommerferieaktiviteten i Rosenhøj har fået hjælp af rapperen Carthage Beck McGosh.

Morten Messerschmidt kalder lukningen af rapskolen for en fornuftig beslutning, mens næstformanden for kommunens Børn og Unge udvalg, Keld Hvalsø Nedergaard fra Enhedslisten, synes lukningen er en overreaktion. Han betragter ikke teksten som en dødstrussel mod Morten Messerschmidt.

“Det er jo en humoristisk tekst, der selvfølgelig er enormt skarp, det tager jeg helt afslapppet,” siger politikeren til TV2 Østjylland.

Så pas på, hvad du selv eller dine 11-årige børn kan finde på at sige om Dansk Folkeparti – du risikerer, at deres skole eller fritidsklub bliver lukket. Ytringsfriheden og satiren har  trange kår her i landet, hvis det er de totalitære mimoser fra Dansk Folkeparti, det går ud over.

Update, 15/7:

Henning Winther, der leder kommunens rapskole-projekt, skriver nu om sagen på sin JP-blog:

I sommermånederne har vi fået tilskud fra Århus Kommune til at lave sommeraktiviteter i ugerne 28, 29 og 30. I forbindelse med markedsføringen af sommerferieaktiviteterne i bydelen Rosenhøj lavede den lokale rapunderviser et interview med Lokalavisen sammen med en 11-årig elev.

Den efterfølgende artikel citerede en tekst, som angiveligt var skrevet af den 11-årige. Teksten langer ud efter politikere som Lars Løkke Rasmussen, Morten Messerschmidt og Peter Brixtofte.

Det er muligt at kommentere artiklerne online, og den efterfølgende debat i forbindelse med denne artikel kørte meget hurtigt ud på et rent ud sagt racistisk sidespor, hvor den 11-årige rapper dels blev kaldt alskens skældsord, dels blev truet korporligt og opfordret til at rejse “hjem” sammen med sin familie.

Debatten kom af uvisse kanaler Morten Messerschmidt for øre, og han overvejede efterfølgende at lægge sag an mod Lokalavisen. De har af hensyn til den 11-årige slettet teksten og debatten i forbindelse med artiklen.

Historien stopper imidlertid ikke her. Netmagasinet, der hævder at kæmpe for trykkefrihed, ringede i fredags først til mig og senere til min chef for at få belyst denne sag. Hverken min chef eller jeg kendte noget til sagen eller på daværende tidspunkt. Teksten er citeret i fuldt omfang i Sapphos artikel.

Efterfølgende blev jeg kontaktet af en medarbejder fra Klubben i Rosenhøj, som forklarede mig sagens sammenhæng. Jeg skrev derpå en mail til alle undervisere i rapskolerne over hele Århus, hvor jeg bl. a. indskærpede, at de som de voksne og ansvarlige undervisere har pligt til at følge klubbernes og ungdomsskolernes regler for sprog og ytringer i undervisningen.

Det er et emne, vi har gennemgået ved flere lejligheder, da raptekster ofte benytter sig af stærke vendinger, voldsom metaforik og trussellignende udsagn. Det er den måde, teksterne får deres gennemslagskraft på, og det er selvfølgelig også det, der er tilfældet med den konkrete tekst – overdrivelse fremmer forståelsen. Imidlertid harmonerer dette ikke med de fleste klubbers regler om en venlig og saglig omgangstone, så når underviserne er i klubben eller ungdomsskolen, gælder arbejdsgiverens regelsæt – man kan ikke svine hinanden til med grove vendinger i denne sammenhæng.

Hvis de unge har nogle ting, de gerne vil ytre og de gør det i et voldsomt sprog, er det underviserens ansvar at tage en snak med vedkommende og finde en måde, hvorpå den unges oplevelser og holdninger kan komme til udtryk på en måde, der ikke anvender hverken vold, trusler eller nedsættende vendinger. Ganske som en dansklærer vil tage en seriøs snak med en elev, der har skrevet en stil med voldeligt eller kontroversielt indhold. Vrede er godt – men man skal lære at kanalisere den de rigtige steder hen på den rigtige måde – det er en af grundpillerne i rapskolen.

Dette blev i flere omgange indskærpet for underviseren i Rosenhøj af både undertegnede og ledelsen i Rosenhøjklubben.

Alle andre afdelinger af rapskolen fortsætter uden problemer. Rapskolen i Rosenhøj starter igen til efteråret uden problemer. End of story.

Så vi undskylder for manglende præcision i dækningen: Det var ikke Dansk Folkeparti, der fik rapskolen lukket, det var Trykkefrihedsselskabet og deres tidsskrift

Big mistake. Og rapskolen i Rosenhøj starter heldigvis igen til efteråret – så helt af lave er verden da ikke.

Link: Århus Kommune lukker rapskole i Viby

Indvandring er ikke problemet – racisme er

Den i London bosatte canadiske science fiction-forfatter med russisk-jødisk baggrund Cory Doctorow betegner indvandringsmodstanden som “racismens sidste respektable bastion” og melder i den forbindelse klart ud:

Next time you hear someone whittering on about immigrants, call ’em on it. I’m an immigrant and the son of immigrants and the grandson of immigrants who shredded their papers to get through the Czech border and snuck into Canada without “following the rules.” You got a problem with immigration, you got a problem with me.

Og jeg kan kun give ham ret. Hvis jeg var en iraker fra Bagdad, der havde set familie og venner blive dræbt og alle chancer for en fredelig tilværelse gå op i røg efter syv års meningsløs krig, og jeg var nødt til at fifle med papirerne for at kunne få asyl i et fredeligt land, hvor mine børn kunne få en uddannelse, så gjorde jeg det sgu. Og det gjorde Søren Espersen og Lars Løkke Rasmussen og Birthe Rønn Hornbech og selv Pia Kjærsgaard sgu nok også. Så lad os sænke paraderne, droppe racismen og føre en menneskevenlig udlændingepolitik.

Det er i øvrigt også sket flere gange, at danske arrangører har været pinligt berørt over de utroligt strenge krav og nedladende behandling, deres gæster er blevet udsat for fra de danske myndigheders side. Så det er ikke kun i Storbritannien, de har problemet.

Link: Britain’s loony rules for artist visas embarrass festival organizers

Saudi-arabisk familie slæber djinn i retten

Den onde eller i hvert fald drillesyge ånd plager dem ved at lægge ondskabsfulde beskeder på deres telefonsvarere og stjæle deres mobiltelefoner, om man skal tro CNN:

The lawsuit filed in Shariah court accuses the genie of leaving them threatening voicemails, stealing their cell phones and hurling rocks at them when they leave their house at night, said Al-Watan newspaper.

An investigation was under way, local court officials said.

“We have to verify the truthfulness of this case despite the difficulty of doing so,” Sheikh Amr Al Salmi, the head of the court, told Al-Watan. “What makes this case and complaint more interesting is that it wasn’t filed by just one person. Every member of the family is part of this case.”

The family, which has lived in the same house near the holy city of Medina for 15 years, said it became aware of the spirit in the past two years.

“We began hearing strange noises,” the head of the family, who requested anonymity, told Al-Watan. “In the beginning, we didn’t take it seriously, but after that, stranger things started happening and the children got really scared when the genie began throwing stones.”

A local charity has moved the family to a temporary residence while a court investigates, the newspaper said.

Som artiklen også gør opmærksom på, er forestillingen om djinner  udbredt i store dele af den islamiske verden, og selvom de arabiske djinner har nogle særlige karakteristika, kan de formentlig bedst sammenlignes med de overnaturlige væsner fra vore egne himmelstrøg, nisser og elverfolk og hvad har vi.

Hvad der undrer mig er, hvad man forestiller sig, at domstolen kan gøre for at hjælpe i et tilfælde som dette – man skulle tro, det lå uden for dens jurisdiktion.

Link: Saudi family sues genie, alleges harassment