– fordi tiden kræver et MODSPIL

16. Oct 2006

Be a Demon!

	Oh be a demon
	outside all class!
	If you're a woman
	or even an ass
	still be a demon
	beyond the mass.
	Somewhere inside you
	lives your own little fiend,
	and woe betide you
	if he feels demeaned,
	better do him justice,
	keep his path well cleaned.
	When you've been being
	too human, too long,
	and your demon starts lashing out
	going it strong,
	don't get too frightened
	it's you who've been wrong.
	You're not altogether
	such a human bird,
	you're as mixed as the weather,
	not just a good turd,
	so shut up pie-jaw blether,
	let your demon be heard.
	Don't look for a saviour,
	you've had some, you know!
	Drop your sloppy behaviour
	and start in to show
	your demon rump twinkling
	with a hie! hop below!
	If, poor little bleeder,
	you still feel you must follow
	some wonderful leader
	now the old ones ring hollow,
	then follow your demon
	and hark to his holloa! 

	D.H. Lawrence (1885-1930).
