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09. Mar 2006

Here can my heart no longer rest

     Here can my heart no longer rest;
         It tells my happy destiny,
     Towards Medina lies my quest,
         The Holy Prophet summons me.

     I should not marvel if for flight
         Upon my shoulders wings should start,
     My body is so gay and light
         With this new gladness in my heart.

     My weary patience nears its end;
         Unresting heart, that yearns and loves,
     Convey me far to meet my friend
         Within Medina's garden groves.

     My spirit shall not faint nor tire,
         Although by many tender bands
     My country holds me, I desire
         The journey through the desert sands.

     By day and night forever now
         I burn in Love's hot furnace breath,
     Although there gather on my brow
         The cold and heavy sweats of death.

     And ever in my home in Hind
         At dawn's first light, at evenfall,
     I hear upon the desert wind
         The Prophet of Arabia call.

     Amir Minai (1828-1900)
