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10. Mar 2014

First International Festival of Technoshamanism


Denne festival løber af stabelen 23.-30. april i Arraial d'Ajuda i Bahia, Brasilien. Arrangørerne skriver selv om baggrunden for festivalen:
How can we access a different relationship with life outside the field of technological development that is predicated on great devastation and destruction ? How can we propose new forms of technological production that are associated with Health Earth ? How can we expand our rationalistic and exploitative view to a more cosmic, ecological vision ? That other lives are possible beyond consumption and indiscriminate use of resources ? Is there magic in technology ? How can we can use technology to enhance our vision, listening, and experience and transform our communication with biodiversity ?

With discussions, stories, artwork, electronics, sound experiments, methods of communication with other life forms beyond the human, performances , workshops, permaculture, among others, the participants of the First International Festival of Technoshamanism want to be able to meet to deepen their ideas, propose new readings of the current ecological scene and present some possibilities for the future. It is a futuristic and eco event, that loves technology while at the same time ancestral knowledge, and wants to find new possibilities for life.
Jeg planlægger selv at tage derover og forventer at tage derfra igen med mange spændende nye perspektiver. Selve begivenheden er meget sparsommenligt organiseret, på grænsen til det primitive:
This event is collaborative , lacks any form of funding , only a crowdfunding on the internet , dedicated to pay the rent of ITAPECO – Instituto de Tecnologia Alternativa, Permacultura,e ECOlogia (map here) – that will house the camp participants, the participation of hacker bus, which will be the local transport, and food that will be prepared by participants daily. The parties, orgies and sexual fetishes of all kinds are welcome, provided they negotiate somehow with neighbors and the camps . You need to bring tents. For people who want to stay in top condition we have the support of hostel "Arraial D'Ajuda Hostel" that will make discount for participants.
Du kan hjælpe med at støtte begivenheden ved at klikke her og donere et mindre beløb. Giver du 50 realer (ca. 100 kroner), vil du få tilsendt en T-shirt og en video fra festivalen.
