Den amerikanske regering: 'A renegade band of rightwing extremists'

I hvert fald ifølge ingen ringere end Clintons vicepræsident Al Gore, i et interview med The Guardian fra i dag, hvor vi også læser, at:
The new levels of attention he is receiving have led some Democrats to call on him to run again for president, while others have responded with anger that Mr Gore did not show the same level of passion in the 2000 campaign.Link til Al Gores film og kampagne An Inconvenient Truth.
He has since acknowledged that he followed too closely the advice of his consultants during that campaign, and - before he started to scoff at the idea of running again - swore that if he ever did so, he would speak his mind.
In the years since, he has been a steady critic of specific Bush administration policies. He opposed the war on Iraq at a time when most prominent Democrats were supporting it, and more recently spoke out against what he called "a gross and excessive power grab" by the administration over phone tapping.
Link til omtalen af The Guardian's interview.