Exit Saddam - og hvad så?

Iraks tidligere diktator Saddam Hussein skal hænges i morgen, skriver Politiken.
Ja, lad os nu se, hvad det ender med.
Det er svært at argumentere for, at Saddam ikke skulle have fortjent det, men som tidligere nævnt er der heller ingen grund til, at det skulle gøre hverken hip som hap ved den øjeblikkelige situation, for nu ikke at sige katastrofe.
For en katastrofe er det, som vi bl.a. læser hos Treasure of Baghdad:
It was 9 p.m. when my cell phone rang. The screen showed an Iraqi number. My heart stopped for a minute! I was scared because it was about 5 a.m. in Baghdad. I immediately thought something bad happened! It was a second until I answered but it felt like an hour. Million things came into my mind in that second. Who was it? Why they are calling at this time? Something bad happened? Someone might have died?Et godt råd, fra den ene iraker til den anden, en kølig vurdering af situationen: Get the hell out of there! Øjnene på billedet græder tørre tårer for Saddam, men mange for Irak og dets indbyggere.
It was one of my best friends in Iraq. I asked her what happened immediately. Her voice was different. She spoke slowly, sadly, and desperately. “I haven’t even slept, B,” she said. I was speechless! I didn’t know. I was afraid to ask her and get the saddest reply. Eventually I did.
“What happened?”
“There were clashes in my neighborhood since the morning,” she said.
There was nothing new about this, but I why she said that. My heart pounded like a drum. I just didn’t want to hear that someone was hurt.
“No one was hurt. I am scared,” she said. “Armed men and interior ministry commandoes fought each other in our neighborhood all day. You can’t imagine how it was. It was hell.”
“Get the hell out of there,” I said.
Og hvad forskel kommer Saddams henrettelse så til at gøre i dét billede? Ikke meget, som vi tidligere citerede Khalid Jarrar for:
What exactly is his death gonna do to improve Iraq or life in Iraq? The sectarian tension or the security situation? The electricity or water? The curfews or the blocked streets? The puppet government or the dirty politicians? The loans of the billions stolen from Iraq as cash or oil since the invasion by Iraqi or Americans politicians?Og det er det land, fra hvilket bl.a. Danmark afviser at tage imod flygtninge.
Nothing at all.
Så er det jo godt for irakerne, at der er andre, der vil.