Hvorfor er palæstinenserne så onde ved sig selv?

En læser af KABOBfest stiller dette spørgsmål, som i variationer dukker op i de danske medier også, f.eks. her: Hvis Israel altid slår så hårdt igen, hvorfor smider palæstinensiske modstandsgrupper (f.eks. Hamas) så raketter i hovedet af dem - er det ikke blot at påkalde sig reaktionen?
Læseren spørger som sagt, og modtager følgende svar:
Your question is a good one and, at the same time, very symbolic of the misreporting in US media. What is not being told with the latest round of rocket attacks is that they began Thursday evening after Israeli assaults killed 5 Palestinians in Gaza.Så hvad den gode israelske viceforsvarsminister egentlig siger, når han truer palæstinenserne med et "Holocaust", hvis ikke de snart holder op, er, at man desværre er nødt til at udrydde og massakrere civilbefolkningen i Gaza, hvis ikke områdets befolkning og militser snart lære at tage det lying down og blot finde sig i det, når et israelsk udfald en dag koster en 4-5 mennesker livet; konsekvensen af en reaktion har vi set de seneste dage med over hundrede døde.
Knowledge of this, and of the fact of Israeli occupation of Gaza since 1967, might lead one to ask, instead: Why are the Israelis occupying and attacking the Palestinians and not expecting retaliation from the Palestinians? This goes for both history and in the latest round of massacre (the vast majority of the more than 115 casualties since Thursday are Palestinian, and one in three is a child -- Israeli human rights groups found that more than half of the Palestinians killed are not fighters).
The Palestinians were the displaced and invaded people; now they are occupied and invaded. What they do is the response.
The idea, of balancing the fourth largest military, one with a nuclear arsenal, with homemade rockets is a silly and morally questionable one (since the missiles could just as easily hurt the innocent). As a politically marginalized leadership, it is not as if the powers that be have provided any diplomatic light at the end of the tunnel. US policymakers even plotted a Palestinian civil war to destroy Hamas. Nothing seems to come from the fact that a majority of Israelis prefer diplomacy with Hamas. What choice does that leave them?
Hamas probably thinks that developing their weapons -- which Israel is trying to link to Iran -- to the point of being able to hit major Israeli cities will provide something of a deterrence later down the line.
The idea of engaging Israel militarily is ridiculous as seen from the lap of luxury I sit in. However, many Palestinians are too desperate to think of anything other than armed resistance, especially when non-violent protests are completely disregarded. Others have no choice under an unaccountable political leadership.
Men hvordan er det lige, denne overreaktion er palæstinensernes endsige Hamas' skyld?