IDF: The page of shame

Som de selv erklærer på deres hjemmeside:
We, candidates for service and soldiers in the IDF, men and women, as responsible citizens, hereby declare that we will take no part in the continued oppression of the Palestinian people in the occupied territories, and we will not participate in policing actions or in guarding the settlements.Men det israelske militær - Israel Defence force eller IDF - er da nationens stolthed, ikke? Et uhyre effektivt, veldisciplineret militær med en uhyre støtte fra hele landets befolkning?
Æh, jo. Ja. Faktisk skal man nok altid være skeptisk, når man hører gloser som "Folkets Hær", specielt taget i betragtning, hvilket autoritært, disciplinært helvede et moderne militær ofte degenererer til.
Veteranen Assaf Oron skriver, at mange israelere nok ikke har noget problem med IDF som "folkets hær", men i allerhøjeste grad med deres eget private IDF, det militær, de selv rent personligt gjorde tjeneste i:
On one hand is the IDF, "The People's Army", and on the other hand our own private IDF - a place when you get jailed for beret-on-shoulder, but your commanders teach you how to steal from fellow units, and stealing from new recruits is a national sport; a place where you learn to commit crimes much worse than theft, without batting an eye. A place where a good friend of yours had been tormented and broken, and your sister had been sexually exploited. A place where someone in your family had miraculously escaped meaningless death - or God forbid, actually died. A place where the true enemy, the one who may eventually kill you or "only" take your sanity away - is the chain of command above you.Men er der ikke blot tale om, at folk er mere "ømskindede" og gerne vil slippe for at gøre deres "pligt"?
Truth be told: away from the limelight, in the underprivileged neighborhoods and townships, the consent was always rather limited. Throughout the years, many kids from Israel's social periphery hadn't bothered to enlist, or disappeared shortly after that: if the State screws them in general anyway, why should they let it screw them personally for 3 years as well? The IDF usually gave up on these boys, or settled for an easy service. Now, this cynical lucidity is perhaps seeping into the middle class - IDF's major supplier of cannon-fodder.
Nej, mener Oron: The question is not why there are more "evaders" nowadays. The question is how come a complete nation, generation after generation, agrees to sacrifice its children to that Moloch as a default, without conditions.
Og, kunne man tilføje, de sidste mange år ganske overflødigt, eller i hvert fald i vidt overdrevet omfang - alene for at kunne holde et fremmed folk under hælen i et område, hvor man intet har at gøre.
Go read - om IDFs og Israels skam, om sandheden blandt sludderet om verdens mest "effektive" og "humane" militær.