– fordi tiden kræver et MODSPIL

29. May 2006


irrepressible.info er et nyt initiativ lanceret af den engelske avis The Observer i samarbejde med Amnesty International.

Hensigten er at arbejde for politisk frihed, herunder ytringsfrihed på Internettet, og hensigten er blandt andet at lægge pres på Internetgiganterne Yahoo!, Google, Cisco og Microsoft, der hidtil kun alt for villigt har hjulpet bl.a. det kinesiske regime med at censurere nettet og (i Yahoo!s tilfælde) fængsle dissidenter.

The Observer skriver herom:
Digital giants such as Yahoo, Google and Microsoft stand accused of working in complicity with authoritarian regimes, customising their content at the behest of state censors.

In their defence, they say they are simply doing what all businesses do by obeying the laws of the land in which they operate. That is disingenuous. These companies have come from nowhere in a very short time to dominate a global medium. They do not own the internet and yet, de facto, they run it. They must accept that they have obligations to the wider online community as well as to shareholders and the bottom line.

It is in their long-term interests to do so.
Som en del af kampagnen opfordres du til at bringe brudstykker af censurerede tekster, som nogen er blevet forhindret i eller straffet for at offentliggøre:

projektets hjemmeside opsummeres de foreløbige aktionsmuligheder:
  • Sign our pledge on Internet freedom to call on all governments and companies to ensure the Internet is a force for political freedom, not repression.
  • Take action to free Shi Tao. Write to the Chinese authorities and Yahoo to urge the release of journalist Shi Tao, serving 10 years in prison for sending an email to a pro-democracy website.
  • Undermine censorship by publishing irrepressible fragments of censored material on your own site. The more people take part, the more we can defeat unwarranted censorship and create an unstoppable network of protest.
Så - opfordringen være hermed bragt videre: Skriv under, protestér, giv ordet videre.

Link til den nye kampagne irrepressible.info.
