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08. Apr 2006

Krig? Hvilken krig?

Der er ingen borgerkrig i Irak. Nej?

Nej. Ingen. Etnisk udrensning? Ikke her. Nada. Zero. Zilch.

Hvis dét er fred, som Peters fra New York Post påstår det er, så Gud bevare os for krigen.

Men så er det jo rart, at The New Yorker kan berette, at man skam er så tilfreds med succesen i Irak, at man har tænkt sig at følge op på den i Iran - med atomvåben.

Men kan finde en analyse her:
Hersh's story adds to fears expressed by centrist foreign policy analyst Joseph Cirincione, which I commented on here, and others who believe the Bush administration are perfectly capable of attempting to top the enormous strategic blunder they committed in Iraq by attacking Iran. But Hersh's story will go beyond chatter to detail actual policy and planning machinations within the White House and Pentagon.
One of the major disappointments arising from the marketing of the war on Iraq is that not a single one of the senior administration, intelligence or military officials who knew full well that the invasion was likely to result in disaster had the courage to stand up, resign and go public with their concerns. I don't know if that would have stopped the war, but it would at least have put a speed bump in the path of the administration's marketing effort and the wholesale embrace of it by the press.

Now, astonishing as it seems, the administration are seriously considering an even more dangerous blunder with even more serious consequences. If ever there were a time for government and military officials to put country above career, and if ever there were a time for the press to do their goddamned jobs, this is it. I don’t know if there is in fact any way short of what would amount to a counter-coup to prevent a president who considers himself the supreme authority on national security from going to war, but at some point we'll no longer have the opportunity to find out.
Vel, læs bare det hele, hvis du synes - ovennævnte Peters vil jo nok have en field day med at forklare, hvor nødvendigt det er med krigen mod Iran lige netop nu, hvor alt er så godt og så demokratisk og så fredeligt i Irak.

Og os andre? Gud nåde og trøste os.

Via 'Aqoul.
