Som en del vil have hørt, er en amerikansk soldat nu tiltalt for at have voldtaget og myrdet en 15-årig irakisk pige.
Informations vinkel er ikke helt indlysende, idet man tager udgangspunkt i, hvor "forståelig" denne handling er i situationen:
Historien om mordet på Abeer Qasim Hamza er en uundgåelig sideeffekt af den moderne assymmetriske krig i Irak, hvor det nærmest kan være umuligt at vurdere, hvem der er venner, og hvem der er fjender, lyder det fra flere militærpsykologer ...Jeg har selv bare svært ved selv at se, hvordan en sådan uvished skulle kunne forlede nogen til at tro, at det er i orden at myrde en hel familie for at fålov til at voldtage en 15-årig pige,som man bagefter også myrder?
Det kan det amerikanske militær heldigvis heller ikke, som man kan se af, at de har anlagt sagen.
Raed Jarrar opsummerer sagen præcist under overskriften Iraq: Raped:
A few months ago, Abir was just another 15 year old Iraqi girl in a small town called Al-Mahmudiyah, south of Baghdad. Both of her parents are from the Al-Janabi tribe, one of the biggest tribes with Sunni and Shia branches.Dette er ikke bare en banal sag, af flere grunde: For det første er der mistanken om, at den næppe er enestående; for det andet har det vakt et betydeligt raseri i den hårdt prøvede irakiske offentlighed:
Omar Al-Janabi, a neighbor and relative of Abir, was informed by Abir’s mother that the young girl was being harassed by U.S. soldiers stationed in a nearby checkpoint. That is why Abir was sent to spend the night in her neighbor’s home. The next day, Omar Al-Janabi was among the first people who found Abir with her 34 year old mother Fakhriyah, her 45 year old father Qasim, and her 7 year old sister Hadil murdered in their home. Abir was raped, killed by a bullet in her head, and then burned on the 12th of March, exactly two weeks before her "sweet sixteen" birthday.
Muhammad Al-Janabi, Abir’s uncle, reached the house shortly after the attack as well. Iraqi police and army officers informed him and other angry relatives that an “armed terrorist group” was responsible for the horrifying attack. This is exactly what the angry relatives of the 24 Iraqi civilians killed in Haditha four moths before this incident were told as well; In that case, U.S. officials initially claimed that a roadside bomb planted by terrorists had killed the 24 Iraqi civilians and one U.S. soldier in Haditha ...
Even if Abir is the only Iraqi girl raped, murdered and burned, this is not just another abuse scandal. Issues relating to honor are even more sensitive for the Iraqi public and government than the ongoing daily civilian murders. The first Iraqi governmental reaction came when an Iraqi female member of parliament asked for an urgent session for which Mr. Al-Maliki was called back home to attend. The Iraqi parliament described the rape as a crime against "the honor of all Iraqis". As a result, Al-Maliki asked to review laws of foreign troops' immunity from prosecution in Iraq, which seems to be an Iraqi public demand. Iraqi tribal leaders had a number of meetings across the country last week on the anniversary of "Thawrat Al-Eshrin", the 1920 revolution against the British occupation. The largest meeting was that of the mostly Shia Middle Euphrates Tribes. During this meeting, they threatened to initiate a full scale revolution against the occupation, similar to what had happened in 1920, unless the U.S. army hands all soldiers accused of raping the "Al-Mahmudiyah Virgin" to them.Dette er altså en alvorlig sag, der for alvor kan svække den amerikanskstøttede regering og tvinge shiamuslimerne til at slutte sig til oprøret - medmindre der sker noget drastisk, f.eks. a t de amerikanske soldaters immunitet bliver ophævet - hvilket det amerikanske militær aldrig vil acceptere.
Endnu et skridt på den lange vej mod en gryende amerikansk erkendelse af, at de intet godt har gjort i Irak, og at de intet godt kan gøre - og bør skynde sig at trække sig ud, før de bliver tvunget ud?