New Orleans stadig halvtom efter Katrina: 'A gross violation of human rights'

Mother Jones skriver om New Orleans, hvor kæmpemæssige områder stadig er tomme og tilsyneladende ikke på vej til at blive genopbygget, og hvor beboere på vej tilbage til deres hjem afvises af bevæbnede nationalgardister:
Fully armed National Guard troops refuse to allow over ten thousand people even to visit their property in the Lower Ninth Ward neighborhood. Despite the fact that people cannot come back, tens of thousands of people face eviction from their homes. A local judge told me that her court expects to process a thousand evictions a day for weeks.Ja, hvorfor ikke? Det skulle være rimeligt klart: Fordi man ikke vil, fordi fattige og almindelige mennesker kan rende dem, der bestemmer derovre, noget så grusomt. Som det påpeges i en anden artikel i Mother Jones, benyttes katastrofen snarere som påskud for den største etniske og sociale udrensning i USAs historie.
Renters still in shelters or temporary homes across the country will never see the court notice taped to the door of their home.
Dr. Arjun Sengupta, the United Nations Human Rights Commission Special Reporter on Extreme Poverty, visited New Orleans and Baton Rouge last week. He toured the devastated areas and listened to the evacuees still in shelters and those living out of town with family.
Dr. Sengupta described current conditions as "shocking" and "gross violations of human rights." The devastation itself is shocking, he explained, but even more shocking is that two months have passed and there is little to nothing being done to reconstruct vast areas of New Orleans. "The US is the richest nation in the history of the world. Why cannot it restore electricity and water and help people rebuild their homes and neighborhoods? If the US can rebuild Afghanistan and Iraq, why not New Orleans?"
Og det er det land, vores egen regering altid lægger sig i halen af, går i krig for om så skal være og aldrig kritiserer. Betryggende, eller ...?