Rebuilding New Orleans: Her går det godt
Sidste år blev New Orleans ramt af orkanen Katrina, og det amerikanske samfund rykkede sammen og gjorde hvad der skulle til for at hjælpe de nødstedte, som vi alle sammen husker.
I dag er genopbygningen så i fuld gang, med behørig støtte og solidaritet fra landets regering, som man ville forvente. Genopbygningen af en millionby er trods alt en alvorlig sag.
Eller ...?
Her er en historie om sagen fra Associated Press:
Billions of promised federal dollars to fix New Orleans' crumbling infrastructure have gone largely untapped a year after Hurricane Katrina. City officials complain that a snarl of red tape, restrictions and unexpectedly high costs have kept hundreds of public buildings in disrepair, streets pocked with potholes and most parks too dirty for children to play.Via Huffington Post.
"It's an incredible bureaucracy. It's unbelievable," Mayor Ray Nagin said in an interview with The Associated Press this week.
So far, the city has collected only $117 million to start the repair work in what has been billed as the largest urban restoration in U.S. history.
For every repair project, city officials must follow a lengthy application process — and spend their own money — before getting a dime of federal aid to fix at least 833 projects such as police stations, courtrooms, baseball fields or auditoriums.
Residents don't care much what the cause is. They're just tired of crater-like potholes, sudden drops in water pressure and debris-clogged storm drains ...