Ryanair til den britiske regering: Tag jer sammen, eller vi lægger sag an
Der er åbenbart andre end kritikere som undertegnede, Cory Doctorow, Craig Murray m.fl., der tvivler på den officielle historie om, hvor tæt man var på et terrorangreb over Atlanten og hvor bange vi allesammen skal være.
Lavprisflyselskabet Ryanair gør ifølge The Guardian opmærksom på, at de taber mange penge på de skærpede sikkerhedsforanstaltninger, som de betegner som "farcical Keystone Cops security measures that don't add anything except to block up airports":
At a news conference in London, [CEO of Ryanair Michael] O'Leary described as "nonsense" the increased body checks and the new carry-on restrictions. Flanked by a Winston Churchill figure - in reference to the company's advertising campaign - he went on to say that the disruption at airports handed extremists a public relations victory.Til The Independent gør Ryanairs O'Leary opmærksom på, at overdrevne og lammende sikkerhedsforanstaltninger reelt er at servere terroristerne sejren på et sølvfad:
In a statement, Ryanair said: "If the government restores the security at British airports to these normal IATA levels within the next seven days then [Ryanair] will not make any claim for compensation, which it is entitled to, under the provisions of Section 93 of the Transport Act 2000."
The best way to defeat terrorists and extremists is for ordinary people to continue to live their lives as normal. Because of the additional security restrictions imposed by the Government last Thursday, the shambles at the London airports has been anything but normal.Previously on Modspil terror scare blues:
- Hvorfor vi ikke skal være bange for terrorisme
- Ulven kommer?
- Den store engelske terrorsag: Ingen konkret trussel i sidste uge
- Tidligere britisk ambassadør om transatlantisk terrorplot: 'Be sceptical. Be very, very sceptical'
Update, søndag d. 20.:
Boing Boing har nu også historien, og har bl.a. også denne observation:
Mr O'Leary ridiculed the notion of searching five- or six-year-old children and elderly people in wheelchairs going to Spain. Such scenes, he said, would have "terrorists laughing in the caves of Afghanistan".