Søren Espersens forbillede – Balkans Hitler – førte “hellig krig”

Radovan Karadzic – den tidligere leder af Serbien står efter en lille pause, igen tiltalt for etnisk udrenselse af 100.000 muslimer under krigen i ex-jugoslavien.

Et kort uddrag fra Wikipedia:

Later that same afternoon, 13 July 1995, executions were also conducted in the largest of four warehouses (farm sheds) owned by the Agricultural Cooperative in Kravica. Between 1,000 and 1,500 men had been captured in fields near Sandići and detained in Sandići Meadow. They were brought to Kravica, either by bus or on foot, the distance being approximately one kilometre. A witness recalls seeing around 200 men, stripped to the waist and with their hands in the air, being forced to run in the direction of Kravica.(..)

At around 18.00 hours, when the men were all being held in the warehouse, VRS soldiers threw in hand grenades and opened fire with various weapons, including rocket propelled grenades.(..)

Some victims were mutilated and killed with knives. The bodies were taken to Bratunac or simply dumped in the river that runs alongside the road. One witness states that this all took place on 14 July. There were three survivors of the mass murder in the farm sheds at Kravica.

Armed guards shot at the men who tried to climb out the windows to escape the massacre. When the shooting stopped, the shed was full of bodies. Another survivor, who was only slightly wounded, reports:
I was not even able to touch the floor, the concrete floor of the warehouse… After the shooting, I felt a strange kind of heat, warmth, which was actually coming from the blood that covered the concrete floor, and I was stepping on the dead people who were lying around. But there were even people who were still alive, who were only wounded, and as soon as I would step on him, I would hear him cry, moan, because I was trying to move as fast as I could. I could tell that people had been completely disembodied, and I could feel bones of the people that had been hit by those bursts of gunfire or shells, I could feel their ribs crushing. And then I would get up again and continue . link

Dansk Folkeparti har længe forsøgt at forsvare disse masakrer – i 2008 erklærede Søren Espersen således at massegravene med døde muslimer aldrig var fundet(et ekko fra nynazister benægtelse af holocaust) og dernæst at serbernes opgiven af Kosovo var et tab for “kristendommen”

1500 års kristendom i den serbiske provins Kosovo er forbi. Den sluttede, da den sidste serbiske soldat havde forladt provinsen. link

Dansk Folkeparti har også kæmpet mod at Radovan Karadzic skulle udleveres til Haag og retsforfølgelse – partiet mener at det er et internt anliggende hvis man myrder 100.000 muslimer. De mener desuden at retssagen er en “farce”  link

Det kan undre at Søren Espersen og DF ikke bliver adspurgt af danske nyhedsmedier, når nye beviser kommer frem mod Karadzic. Fx at han har blæret sig med folkedrabsplanerne. Vi har i det danske folketing 22 medlemmer der hepper på Balkans Hitler og benægter det største folkedrab i Europa siden Nazityskland. Og ikke én journalist føler det er relevant at tage denne sammenhæng op når lederen af folkedrabet skal stilles til ansvar.

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