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13. Dec 2006

Krishna og Radha - igen


Se også her. Radhas og Krishnas kærlighed besynges bl.a. af Mira Bai, som vi tidligere har citeret:

Come to my house and talk to me, 
O Shyam.
I shall be filled with joy and vigour,
And will offer myself, mind and body.
I am Thy loyal servant,
Pray do not forget it.
The sky emits thunder
And the clouds bring rain.
On hearing the cuckoo's call
The abandoned one, too,
Cries out for her lover.
Come to my house, Shyam,
I remain ever attached to Thy feet.
Take Mira into Thy protection.
She offers herself as a sacrifice,
Accept her as such.

Mira Bai  (1498-1547?)
