– fordi tiden kræver et MODSPIL

10. Aug 2005


Hvorfor bliver kvinder, der har mange seksualpartnere eller ønsker at have det, ofte set ned på og kaldt "mær", "bitch" osv., mens mænd med samme praksis eller tilbøjeligheder anses for at være enten beundringsværdige eller i al fald et slet skjult smørret grin værdige?

En studerende fortæller om den kvælende dobbeltmoral på et amerikansk universitet:
The insidious sexual double standard of “the stud/slut system,” which rewards men for sexual conquests and demoralizes females for theirs, is the bona fide social reality at UCSB. As a sexually unconventional female, my sexual attitude and behaviors are more representative of a male. Unlike the majority of my female peers, I am not afraid of the socially imposed sexual stigmatization that coincides with having a liberated sexual attitude.

It was not until I was fucked by a guy on a couch in my own home while I was sleeping that I realized the devastating depth and ramifications of the sexual double standard. Being called a slut by another woman for an action that I plainly did not consent to and then having her tell countless people about me having “fucked some random guy” caused me far more emotional damage than being forcefully fucked during my sleep.

This girl never asked me about what happened. I didn’t tell her. She made me feel ashamed, and, thanks to her ignorance, I have been thought of as a slut from that night on. In hindsight, I wish that I had not been so ashamed of my “sluttish actions” that one night, because I would have reported the guy, not for myself, but because it could have prevented the next unsuspecting sleeping girl from being fucked - physically by him and socially by ignorant women.

It is the women, not the men, who enforce the double standard. For the most part, men are not as superciliously hypocritical. They do not condone or ridicule females for behaving as they do.
Den mest oplagte reaktion er vel en stille undren: Hvordan kan vi i 2005, efter mange års angivelig ligestilling mellem kønnene og med magtfulde positioner åbne for kvinder, stadig moralisere mere og langt mere ubehageligt over kvinders end mænds seksuelle adfærd?

Eller måske den kvindelige seksualitet ganske enkelt stadig anses for at være for farlig til at vi ønsker at rumme den uden moralens kvælende, destruktive indpakning. Flere tanker om emnet her.
