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10. Jan 2007

New York Times: Lave forventninger gør danskerne til det mest tilfredse folkefærd i Vesten

Således skriver New York Times i dag, idet de refererer en artikel i British Medical Journal, der konkluderer, at danskerne er så tilfredse, fordi de ikke forventer sig ret meget af tilværelsen:
In a paper appearing in the Dec. 23 issue of the medical journal BMJ, researchers review six likely and unlikely explanations, and conclude that the country's secret is a culture of low expectations. "It's a David and Goliath thing," said the lead author, Kaare Christensen, a professor of epidemiology at the University of Southern Denmark in Odense. "If you're a big guy, you expect to be on the top all the time and you're disappointed when things don't go well. But when you're down at the bottom like us, you hang on, you don't expect much, and once in a while you win, and it's that much better."
Det lyder i hvert fald meget dansk; det kan være meget charmerende og som det fremgår også klogt, men der er også noget "ved jorden at blive, det tjener os bedst" over det, som har fået mange mennesker til at emigrere.

Man kan også finde en PDF-udgave af artiklen i BMJ, hvor man bl.a. kan læse, at "genotypes in Sweden are similar to those in Denmark because most Swedes were Danes until the 17th century", at "meals in Denmark can be politely described as unmemorable", og at engelsk, svensk og dansk engang mindede om hinanden, men "today they differ considerably with English evolving from the rich merger of Germanic and Latin sources, Swedish developing into an effeminate sing song, and Danish faithfully preserving the guttural grunts of the Vikings".

Via Boing Boing.
