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20. Jun 2006

Islams tidlige historie - nu som computerspil

Qureish PC game
Qureish er et nyt spil om Islams tidligste historie - på spillet hjemmeside læser vi:
Quraish is a 3D real time strategy game about the origin of Islam.

Hold your horses! It is not a religion game, the concept of this game is build upon characters who are eye witness to this new bloom, a Byzantine officer, a Persian monk and an old tribe chief, and each character will say his point of view about this new phenomena called Islam.
Hos Fahad Inc læser vi videre:
Set to be released in September, Quraish tells the story of the first 100 years of Islam's history from the viewpoint of four different nations — Bedouins, Arabs, Persians, and Romans.

"Al-Quraysh is going to help people in the West better understand the people who are living in the East," says Radwan Kasmiya, an avid gamer and the executive manager of Afkar Media. "We want to show that this civilization was a sort of practical and almost heavenly civilization." The game also holds lessons for Muslims, says Mr. Kasmiya.

"I get very embarrassed by the way we are showing our civilization," says Kasmiya. "There were rational laws that were governing Muslims at that time. This allowed this civilization to last for a long time and to accept the other civilizations that they came in touch with. It was not a conservative or sectarian civilization. But people have stopped taking the ideas behind the laws, and are taking the laws themselves. They do not understand the essence of the laws."
Islams tidlige historie er umiddelbart et spændende og oplagt emne for et strategispil, så jeg vil helt klart gerne prøve det, hvis det kommer til Danmark.

Hvis spillet kan inspirere én og anden vesterlænding til at læse og lære lidt mere om islams tidlige historie, kan det kun være en god idé.

Men selv sætter jeg nu især pris på, at designerne tydeligvis har lagt en del mere vægt på gameplay end på "det glade budksb" - og så er i hvert fald en del af grundlaget for en succes lagt. Om spillets koncept så holder, kan vi jo ikke sige noget om, før det kommer på gaden ...

Via Fahad Inc.
