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04. Jan 2006

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Den økonomiske uansvarlighed kender åbenbart ingen grænser hos Bolivias nyvalgte venstreorienterede præsident: Aldrig så snart er han kommet til magten, før han og hans ministre laver et indgreb i regeringens lønninger - og halverer dem!

Kontrasten til Latinamerikas vante kleptokratier - eller, såmænd, til Danmark, hvor regering og Folketing jævnligt bevilger sig selv lønstigninger, der på ingen måde lever op til den inflationssikring, de under folkepensionister - kunne dårligt være større.

Og dog læser vi, f.eks. hos WikiNews:
So more staff can be hired for Bolivia's education, health and social programs, President Elect Evo Morales announced that he and his cabinet will take a 50% pay cut. The 46-year-old leader slashed his future salary of about $3600 a month to $1800.

Raising Bolivia from its situation as one of the poorest countries in the world is a primary intention of the president elect. "It's a question of sharing the country's situation among us all." said Morales. "This is a democratic revolution and we will answer the Bolivian people's call."
Hos BBC forklares nærmere, at lønnedgangen hænger sammen med en planlagt formueskat:
Announcing the salary cut, he said that in a country as poor as Bolivia, the president and his cabinet should share the burden.

The money saved will go on social programmes, particularly in the field of education.

Mr Morales also confirmed that his government plans to introduce a new tax on the wealthy as soon as possible.

His advisors say they are planning to revoke a decree from 1985 which switched Bolivia to the sort of free-market economy recommended by Washington.
Kan det virkelig være muligt? Bedrager mine øjne mig, eller man har endelig valgt en ærlig mand til præsident i et sydamerikansk land?

Hr. Morales må vist til at passe godt på sin ryg og amerikanske kupforsøg ...
